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Sighting location

Click the map or search to add the location of the sighting. You can drag the map marker if you need to adjust.

If a sighting was at or near your home, we can protect your privacy by either obscuring the location (the location precision will be trimmed to approximately the nearest half mile), or by hiding it from the public map altogether.

Contact Information

Your name and email is only used to contact you if we have questions about your sighting. It is not displayed publicly.

Sighting Details

Additional Information

This will be displayed with your sighting on the map.
Repeatable Fields
Photo or Video Evidence *
You can upload photos or videos of your sighting. (File too large? Upload here.)
Any comments here will not be displayed on the map and will be visible to our staff only.


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See Volunteer Opportunities

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Do you want to make an immediate impact on puma preservation? Donations are what makes our work and research possible!

Every dollar goes directly towards helping us change the lives of pumas.