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About The Bay Area Puma Project

Educating and empowering Bay Area residents to live peacefully alongside pumas.

Our History

The Bay Area Puma Project (BAPP) was started in 2007 by Felidae Conservation Fund in partnership with The University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) and The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). We recognized a need for innovative research and education to help protect an important keystone species: the puma.

Our current non-invasive research has gleaned new information on puma biology and behavior at the urban edge. We are able to use the findings in our community outreach programs to empower locals to preserve their ecosystems.

Through a combination of our efforts, we are fighting for puma conservation with key agencies and officials.

The Project Objectives

BAPP is dedicated to empowering locals to live peacefully near mountain lions. We combine research, education, and conservation to make a true difference for the Bay Area pumas. Our research methods are innovative and non-invasive.

We are passionate about educating locals on their natural neighbors. We are the puma's biggest threat! As we build in their territory, we inevitably come into contact with them. We firmly believe that contact does not have to be negative.

Instead, we can empower people to live safely alongside mountain lions. Together, we can preserve an important species and feel comfortable in our neighborhoods.

Learn More About Our Work

The Bay Area Puma Project has a powerful team of researchers and innovators behind it. From life-long researchers to creative change leaders, our team is always working. Not to mention our incredible fleet of volunteers who make our field work possible!

Meet The People Behind BAPP

Our work is only possible because of our incredible partners. These collaborators and supporters span a range of organizations. These include conservation efforts, government agencies, academia, local communities, and the arts.

See Our Partners

Get Involved In Puma Preservation

Do you want to help preserve our local ecosystem for future generations? We need your help! Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. We need all sorts of skills: from tech savvy folks to those willing to hike. If you want to be part of change, volunteer today!

See Volunteer Opportunities

Donate and Make a Difference

Do you want to make an immediate impact on puma preservation? Donations are what makes our work and research possible!

Every dollar goes directly towards helping us change the lives of pumas.